Taormina Cuculunazzo Castelmola Saraceni

The route allows you to get to Castelmola starting from Taormina. Panoramic route full of curiosities. The departure is from piazza 9 Aprile.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina

Continue to Porta Catania and from there go up to reach via Rotabile Castelmola. Along this road we will use a couple of shortcuts that allow us to reduce its length.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina

The last staircase will take us near the Madonna Rocca where you could stop and admire the view.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina

Continue on the SP10 towards Castelmola for about 200 meters. Then take via Cuculunazzo which allows you to reach the destination along narrow streets and stairs reducing the path. Here the slopes will be a little accentuated.

hiking trail Taormina castelmola Photo by google

Once in Castelmola just a few photos and proceed back along an ancient communication route. The ascent of the Saracens is a road that runs along the side of Castelmola and leads to Taormina.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina

Along its path we will meet one of the oldest rural churches of Castelmola as well as the Porta dei Saracenti, an ancient crossing point for accessing the town.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina

This area is also called Piano delle Ficare due to the presence of prickly pears. Continuing along vico Tauro and viale Arcageta you will arrive at Porta Catania.

excursion route Taormina castelmola Photo by alexintaormina