Taormina to train station and return

Taormina Stazione Ferroviaria e ritorno route map

The route starts from the Hotel Montatauro where there are the stairs of the Madonna delle Grazie.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

Along them you go down the southern side of the promontory on which Taormina stands.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

This first section will end in Villagonia on the internal side.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

Going down the road on which the staircase arrives, you will reach the SS114 which, following in the right direction, will lead to the railway station.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

This property has its own special charm. Recently renovated, the interior is elegant and at the same time sober.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

For the return, continue along the SS114 up to Capo Taormina and from there on the left along the SP10 which will lead directly to the center of Taormina.

route taormina railway station Photo by alexintaormina

In the almost final stretch there are three stairs that allow you to shorten the path. However, given the position of the road it is not advisable to deviate otherwise interesting viewpoints are lost.